LeetCode Engineering¶
Power is not constant time¶
So if you want to do for example substring hashing, better maintain the factor in the for loop instead of calling RADIX**i
each time.
- array
- sliding window
- (non-decreasing) stack
- prefix sum
- backtracking
- DP
- matrix
- DP
- shortest path
- DP
Python Libaries¶
priority queue¶
min heap, to use max heap just store negative
import heapq
arr = [[10, "a"], [13, "b"], [2, "c"]]
hp = heapq.heapify(arr)
heapq.heappush(pq, [20, "d"])
_ = heapq.heappop(pq)
counter hashmap¶
returns a hashmap of key -> appearance count in an array
Sliding window¶
num of contiguous subarrays with k different integers
write a function counting the num of subarrays with at most k different integers
maintain a sliding window
the right pointer keeps sliding
while the left pointer slides when diff integers > k
the sum of the length of each legal subarray is the answer
given [1, 2, 1, 2, 3] & k=2
[1] -> 1 new
[1, 2] -> 2 new ([1, 2] & [2])
[1, 2, 1] -> 3 new ([1, 2, 1] & [2, 1] & [1])
and so on and so forth
to generalize
from [a1, a2, ..., ak] to [a1, a2, ..., ak+1]
new subarrays are [ak+1] & [ai, ..., ak+1] for i = 1 to k
so there are k+1 new subarrays
class Solution:
def subarraysWithKDistinct(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
self.nums = nums
return self.atMost(k) - self.atMost(k-1)
def atMost(self, n):
p = 0
wind = dict()
res = 0
for q, num in enumerate(self.nums):
if num not in wind:
wind[num] = 0
wind[num] += 1
# slide p to make num of diff <= n
while len(wind) > n:
curr = self.nums[p]
wind[curr] -= 1
if wind[curr] == 0:
del wind[curr]
p += 1
res += q-p+1
return res
Cyclic Sort¶
= an array of n integers- each element in
is in range[0, n]
= the index of nums[i]
if the it's sorted
- make each number at it's sorted position by swapping
- iterate again and find the out-of-place ones
- numbers in a certain range
- numbers are not in a certain range
String Pattern Matching¶
There are many ways to check if a string is a substring to another string in linear time.
Z Algorithm¶
In the z array of string s
, z[i]
= the length of longest matching prefix between s
and s[i:]
To construct a z array:
def get_z_array(s: str) -> list[int]:
"""construct z array with z algorithm"""
n = len(s)
z = [0] * n
l = r = 0
for i in range(1, n):
if i > r: # find new window
l = r = i
# move r for max matched string window
while r < n and s[r] == s[r-l]:
r += 1
r -= 1 # rollback
z[l] = r - l + 1
else: # i is in the window
if z[i-l] < r - i + 1: # the prefix starting from i-l is within the window
z[i] = z[i-l] # since i in l~r window is the same as i-l in 0~? window
else: # the prefix starting from i-l will extend over the window, so it won't apply to i
while r < n and s[r] == s[r-i]: # see how far the window can extend
r += 1
r -= 1 # rollback
z[i] = r - i + 1
l = i
return z
To find if a string is a substring of another string, follow the steps. Assuming the target string is haystack
and the potential substring needle
- Construct z array for the target string
- Traverse the z array from after
and early return the index if the number = len(needle)
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/z-algorithm-linear-time-pattern-searching-algorithm/
- https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/3107
- ChatGPT
KMP Algorithm¶
Construct a longest-prefix-suffix (lps) array first. If lps[i]
= k, then in the substring s[:i+1]
, the first k letters and the last k letters are the same.
Watch a youtube video or some figures to understand it more easily.
def get_lps_array(s: str) -> list[int]:
n = len(s)
lps = [0] * n
l = 0
r = 1
while r < n:
if s[l] == s[r]:
l += 1
lps[r] = l
r += 1
if l == 0:
r += 1
l = lps[l-1]
return lps
def get_kmp_table(s: str) -> list[int]:
# build kmp table
kmp_table = [0] * n_new
# 2 pointers
# l on the end of the current longest prefix
# r on the end of the current longest suffix
l = 0
for r in range(1, n_new):
# go back to the end of earlier longest prefix if not match
while l > 0 and s_new[l] != s_new[r]:
l = kmp_table[l-1]
if s_new[l] == s_new[r]:
l += 1
kmp_table[r] = l
return kmp_table
Double Hashing¶
Single Hashing
To hash a substring i.e. convert a substring to a unique integer (in the scope of the string), you can do it like this
where s[l:r+1]
is the substring and r
is the radix/base. In the case of small case letters, if we convert all of them to 0 ~ 25, the radix/base should be at least 26 so that a collision won't happen.
Double Hashing
It is very possible that the calculated hash will overflow, so we need to mod the result after every calculation. However, this also provides another chance for collision. To make the probability of collision ignorable, we can calculate another hash with a different radix/base and mod. Be aware that calculating the power of a number isn't constant time.
Reference: the editorial of 28. Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String
- 28. Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String
- 1392. Longest Happy Prefix
- 2223. Sum of Scores of Build Strings
Linked List Problems¶
It often helps to have a dummy head pointing to the actual head.
Sparse Table¶
For solving range min/max query problems. e.g.
See https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/sparse-table/ for explanation
To build a sparse table for array nums
storing the max num of each range:
def buildSparseTable(nums: list[int]) -> list[list[int]]:
n = len(nums)
lnn = int(math.log(n, 2))+1
# sparseTable[i][j] = the max of subarray nums[i:i+2^j]
sparseTable = [[0] * lnn for _ in range(n)]
# init: sparseTable[i][0] = max of subarray nums[i:i+1] = nums[i]
for i in range(n):
sparseTable[i][0] = nums[i]
# fill values
# sparse[i][j] = max(sparse[i][j-1], sparse[i+2^j-1][j-1])
for j in range(1, lnn):
for i in range(n):
if i + pow2(j-1) >= n:
sparseTable[i][j] = max(sparseTable[i][j-1], sparseTable[i+pow2(j-1)][j-1])
return sparseTable
def query(sparseTable, l: int, r: int) -> int:
j = int(math.log(r-l+1, 2))
return max(sparseTable[l][j], sparseTable[r-pow2(j)+1][j]
def pow2(k: int) -> int:
return 1 << k
Use query(sparseTable, l, r)
to find the max num in subarray nums[l][r+1]