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The best overall desktop OS even when compared to Linux + KDE.


Some keyboard shortcuts can be changed, some can't (or are a bit complicated to change). Go to Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts to view the changeable ones.


Command + Q is an unchangeable shortcut key which will close an application. You can't remove it, but you can remap it to harmless stuffs (like Show Notification Center).

Minimize shortcut

The unchangeable shortcut for minimizing a window is CMD+M. To disable it

  1. System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts
  2. Add a shortcut with title = Minimize mapping to an obscure shortcut
  3. Close the settings window for it to take effect

Active apps also need to be reopened otherwise pressing CMD+M on them will still minimize them.


Or you can reassign CMD+M to another shortcut.

Reassign system shortcuts

See Locking your Mac with Command+L

  1. Press 🍎 icon to see the name of your desired command
  2. Settings -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> App Shortcuts
    • macos-1.png
  3. click Done -> quit Settings -> success

The topmost bar

Command + drag to rearrange the items

Set what to appear and what not

Settings -> Control Center

Some items hidden by notch

You can make menubar not use the area under notch but below it on a per app basis by going to Applications folder in finder -> Get Info -> check "Scale to fit below built-in camera". See


display sleep command

display sleep = display off

pmset displaysleepnow

sleep log

Mac sleeps and wakes from sleep immediately, almost like it's only a screen off.

To check if it really sleeps

pmset -g log | grep -E 'Wake from|Entering Sleep' | tail -n 20

require password from sleeping or not

In macOS Ventura 13, the settings is tied with display off

System Settings -> Lock Screen -> Require password after screen saver begins or display is turned off

Restart audio service

sudo pkill coreaudiod

Should restart automatically


Adjust brightness or volume in smaller steps on keyboard

Hold shift+option


Install/remove applications

After installing, move the .app to Applications directory.

To remove an app, go to Applications and move it to trash.

Open app from terminal

open -a <app>


package manager for MacOS

update & upgrade packages

brew update
brew upgrade


brew autoremove

Screen edge

Desktop & Screen Saver -> Hot Corners

Check CPU temperature

sudo powermetrics|grep -i "CPU die temperature"

Wifi Card



Set proxy

Check your current proxy setting


list services

networksetup -listallnetworkservices

check proxy setting for http

sudo networksetup -getwebproxy <service>

for https

networksetup -getsecurewebproxy <service>

example response when no proxy

$ sudo networksetup -getwebproxy Wi-Fi
Enabled: No
Port: 0
Authenticated Proxy Enabled: 0



pmset sleepnow

Get computer name

Get the one displayed in Settings -> General -> About -> Name

scutil --get ComputerName

Normally hostname should work too but MacOS decides that it should be changed to some random name when you're both connected to ethernet and wifi.

Create wifi hotspot from ethernet connection

Settings -> Sharing -> information symbol to edit (can only edit when off) -> turn it on

Sniffing packets

See Sniffing Packets from Wireless Networks


Preventing overcharging - Aldente

Aldente helps you maintain the battery level at a certain point even when your MacBook is always plugged in, so that you can maintain the state of charge between 20% and 80% to extend battery life.

Sync config files - Mackup

Use Mackup

See Good Tools#Mackup

Open VsCode from terminal

  1. If you haven't, put your vscode into the Applications folder
  2. command pallette -> Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH

windows snapper - Rectangle

Rectangle (the successor of Spectacle)

brew install --cask rectangle

command+number to launch apps on dock

Download Snap. Would work out of the box.

alt+tab with thumbnail


brew install --cask alt-tab

Default key would be option+tab

clipboard manager - Maccy


free + search + image + popup with shortcut (sadly no pin)

(it's $330 in App store but free downloading from the website, just type $0 and a random fake email for receipt and the download will start)

screenshot - Snipaste


brew install snipaste

music controller in control center

MiniPlay for Spotify & iTunes

quickly move between displays/monitors

home page

direct downloading link

download -> unzip -> right click on the app -> open -> set your keyboard shortcuts

You can also just git clone or download the zip from the github repo and you'll find a .app inside. Simply drag it to /Applications/ and open it.

Your cursor will appear right at the middle of the corresponding display after triggering the shortcut key.

use normal scrolling direction

Scroll Reverser

Scroll Reverser github

Prevent sleep when lid closed - Amphetamine


It does not work

Before M2

There is no native way to do this (unless you're connected to an external monitor). Have to install 3rd party app.

  1. Install Amphetamine on App Store.
  2. Install Amphetamine Enhancer from Github
  3. Setup Amphetamine Enhancer
  4. Click Amphetamine's icon on the menu bar
    1. Quick Preferences -> uncheck "Allow system sleep when display is closed"
    2. Start New Session -> "Indefinitely"
    3. Preferences -> General -> check all boxes under "Launch and Wake behavior"
  5. That's it
    • you can still make your computer sleep in the normal way


Only show relevant menubar items

Use Bartender. It's not free but after the free trial it only pops up to tell you to buy it from time to time while still letting you access full features, like WinRAR.

You can also try Dozer

Dozer will giver you 2 dots on the menubar. Drag relevant menubar items to the right of the leftmost dot and press it, now all the other items will be gone. Click again and they will reappear.

Show ethernet status in menubar



Show hidden files in Finder

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true; killall Finder;

Some settings do not take effect

Close and reopen the app if the new settings aren't working on an app.

Stop desktop order from changing itself

System Preferences > Mission Control -> uncheck "Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use"


Stop apps pinning itself on dock

System Preferences -> Dock & Menu Bar -> Uncheck "Show recent applications in Dock"


make dock appears on another display

When you're using more than one display, you can only make the dock appears on one of them. To make the dock appears on another display:

hide the dock (use the shortcut listed in system preferences -> keyboard -> shortcuts) -> go to another display -> keeps moving your cursor down (bottom screen edge) until the dock appears

use the normal fullscreen in firefox

When you press f11, the tabs and bookbar bar are still there. To hide them, (when you're still in "fullscreen") right click on the hamburgar menu -> "Hide Toolbars".

To return to the default retarded MacOS behavior, create a new tab (with your hotkey or whatever) to make the tab bar appear, and then right click on the hamburgar menu -> unselect "Hide Toolbars".

Note that the fullscreen after you hide the toolbars is still not the same as it is on Windows & Linux. When your cursor move to the top of the screen, only the bookmark bar & the main bar are show, while the tab bar still remains hidden.


Two Finger Pinch Zoom Unreliable

sol1: spread wide open on trackpad (doesn't work)


killall Dock

No xxx in spotlight result


  1. Locate the directory the missing thing is in, e.g. is from /Applications/
  2. Go to System Preferences -> Spotlight -> Privacy
  3. Drag the directory into it (so the directory will not be indexed)
  4. Remove it (so the directory will be indexed again)
  5. Quit System Preferences
  6. Now it should work

Can't lock by pressing TouchID / power button

Press with a finger not registered for TouchID

Some menubar items hidden

If your screen have a notch and have a ton of items in the menubar, many will get hidden. Only (free) solution is to command+drag to drag the unimportant ones out to make space for relevant ones.

If you want to pay, Bartender seems to be a solution.


Area under notch is not used even if "Scale to fit below built-in camera" option is not checked


Can't connect to ASUS monitor


My Asus monitor will oscillate between connected and not connected when connecting to my MacBook Pro 14" M2 Pro 2023.


First install DisplayLink Manager if you haven't. You can find the files you need to download in ASUS's download page.

Next, go to System settings -> Displays -> set "Refresh rate" to 60Hz

It works for me in Macbook Pros with Intel chips but not M2. For M2, I tried a few type C to type C cables and only one of them can make the connection work consistently.

Chinese input laggy

Kill the process and reopen your app if it's still laggy on an app.

2 ways to kill the process

  • Activity monitor -> search for Traditional Chinese Input Method -> force quit
  • kill $(pgrep TCIM)

Terminal font size won't change

For some reason changing the font size in my profile won't do anything. The below method works however:

  1. CMD + +
  2. Shell > Use Settings as default

Error when opening Docker

error message: creating root node subnodes ...


rm -r ~/.docker