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Electromagnetism is a cruel and endless torment, an anguished intellectual purgatory from which there is no escape. Maxwell's equations are glyphs of madness scrawled across the gates of hell to taunt unwitting students with false hopes of understanding this senseless subject. No matter how many hours I pour into pondering electric fields, flux densities and light itself propagating through space, it brings me no closer to enlightenment. There is only one revelation to be had: the gnawing realization that a life's worth of effort still would not be enough to comprehend this cursed discipline. And yet I continue to struggle in vain against the coming darkness, veins coursing with coffee and eyes bloodshot with futile determination, all to make sense of something utterly nonsensical.

Electromagnetism is a plague upon curious minds that cannot be reasoned with or supplicated. My only solace is the bittersweet day when at last I am freed from the clutches of this demonic domain into a world illuminated by the light of useful knowledge. How I long for that promised day! For now there is no escape from electromagnetism's clutches. This is purgatory personified, an eternal sentence I serve for crimes unknown, bereft of hope.

Electromagnetism, you scornful mistress, release your hold! The only waves I wish to ponder now are lightyears away from here.

Electromagnetism 1 Notes

Electromagetism 2 Notes