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php myphpfile.php



class inheritance




  • .


  • 狹義的 self ?


return full name of a class including namespace


namespace amogus {
    class ඞ {
    echo ඞ::class; // amogus\ඞ


  • variables accessibly by the classes extending this class

magic functions

  • init function, auto run when created
  • public function __construct(){} = def __init__()

run when the class is called as a function

class tt
    public function __invoke($x)
$obj = new tt;
$obj(5); //will print 5

type hint

  • 限定 function variable 為某 class
  • function sus(amogus $x){} 代表 for sus($blue)$blue 只能是 amogus class,否則會噴 error *
class god{
    public function win(){
        print('i am not the imposter');

class amogus{
    public function win(){
        print('sus sus sus sus ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ sussy ඞඞඞ');

function prevail(amogus $amigo){

$red = new amogus();
$stopid = new god();
prevail($red); //good ඞඞ
prevail($stopid); //fatal error


  • dictionary 的 :


  • function(){}


  • when include others' code, may have variable name collision, thus use namespace to avoid


  • 先設個 spl_autoload_register() function,之後用別的 file 的 class 的時候,就會根據那個 function 自動去 include 省去把每個你要的 class 都手動 include 一遍的麻煩 *
spl_autoload_register(function ($class_name) {
    include $class_name . '.php';

$obj  = new MyClass1();
$obj2 = new MyClass2(); 
  • 會自動 include MyClass1.php & MyClass2.php s.t. 你可以用各自檔案內的 class MyClass1() & MyClass2()


Alias Something as Another

To alias something as another, you can use the use statement in PHP.

use App\model\Shop as Shop;

so the following two code snippets are equivalent:

use haha\hoho\bruh; 
$tf = new bruh;
$tf = new haha\hoho\bruh;

For more information, please refer to this Stack Overflow post.


把 function 包起來,use 這個 trait in a class 就能用裡面的所有 function

trait message1 {
public function msg1() {
    echo "POOP is fun! ";

class Welcome {
  use message1;

$obj = new Welcome();


  • 弄一個 class 大致架構
  • interface → 如果不按著那個 interface 寫,就會跑 error
interface A
    public function foo();

interface B extends A
    public function baz(Baz $baz);

// This will work
class C implements B
    public function foo()

    public function baz(Baz $baz)

// This will not work and result in a fatal error
class D implements B
    public function foo()

    public function baz(Foo $foo)


unset() is a function in PHP that deletes a variable and frees up memory. For more information, please refer to this Stack Overflow post.


The & symbol in PHP is used to create a reference to a variable. Here's an example:

$number = 3;
$pointer = &$number;  // Sets $pointer to a reference to $number
echo $number."<br/>"; // Outputs  '3' and a line break
$pointer = 24;        // Sets $number to 24
echo $number;         // Outputs '24'

For more information, please refer to this Stack Overflow post.


In PHP, curl_exec() is a function that executes a curl.

? :

The ? : syntax is known as the ternary operator in PHP. It is a shorthand way to write an if-else statement.


$hola = $execute ? 'yes' : 'no';


  $hola = 'yes';
  $hola = 'no';


To format dates in PHP, you can use the DateTime class. Here are some examples:

ISO 8601 Local Time

$datestr = '2021/7/30 10:33'; 
$date = new DateTime($datestr, new DateTimeZone('+0800')); $timestamp = $date->format('c'); //'U' for UTC echo $timestamp;

ISO 8601 UTC Z

$datestr = '2021/7/30 10:33

Running PHP Files

To run a PHP file, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open XAMPP.
  2. Start Apache.
  3. Put your PHP file in the xampp/htdocs directory.
  4. Go to http://localhost/test/bruh.php to run the xampp/htdocs/test/bruh.php file.

Display your php info



Design Patterns

Dependency Injection

要使用一個東西時,把建立那個東西的 code 先寫好(e.g. 用 container),要用的時候直接引用,這樣要更改建立那東西的步驟/參數時,直接改那套 code 就好,不用把每次建立並引用那東西的 code 都改一遍

You can learn more about dependency injection from the following resources:


把一堆雜亂的 code 包上一層皮,在外面蓋上很好 access 很乾淨的 API,regardless of how messy the interior is.

Facade Design Pattern in PHP 8